Private Treaty Bull Sale

opening Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Bulls for sale by Private Treaty! 

We invite you to come view our bulls and see what we are all about.

“These by far are the best Charolais bulls around. They held up great in our rough country. Never had one problem with them and they produced awesome calves.” — Chasity Graham

Bulls for sale by Private Treaty! 

Opening Tuesday, February 18, 2025

View the bull lists below!

Our one of a kind, closed genetic program is based on performance, with a firm belief in data and numbers proven over time. The best young bulls out of our best young cows offer optimum genetics. Staying true to the linebred program, one of a very few in the nation, has resulted in structurally uniform, sound cattle. Eaton Charolais cattle have real eye appeal and rank above the AICA herd average in all performance traits.

A program built on a strong reputation, 90% of Eaton Charolais bulls are sold sight unseen, over the phone to customers who enjoy strong, repeat customer satisfaction.

ETN brand bulls in the running for our herd use, but we can’t keep them all! These herd sire prospects will perform and look like our proven ETN Herd Sires.

These bulls have strong performance numbers to match their thickness and eye appeal. Commercial cattlemen can find right kind…right look…right price bulls from the heart of the ETN herd in this group.