Eaton Ranch
Since 1909

Eaton Ranch History
A rich history surrounds the Eaton Ranch, founded when our great-grandfather, Charles Eaton, along with his three oldest sons left Iowa and headed west in 1909 to stake their claim to a piece of the last best place. The original homestead is 35 miles north of the famous Yellowstone River on the arid Eastern Montana prairie, and to this day operates as the ranch headquarters.
56 years later Eaton Charolais saw its beginning, when the five Eaton brothers and their father purchased their first purebred Charolais. The ranch has been under the stewardship of the Eaton family for 4 generations and is currently owned and operated by 10 Eaton families including four of the five brothers. The same dedicated family has grown the herd to over 2,000 registered Charolais cows, 1,500 commercial cows, while feedlots in Montana and North Dakota are used to background our Charolais sired calves.

Our one of a kind, closed genetic program is based on performance, with a firm belief in data and numbers proven over time. The best young bulls out of our best young cows offer optimum genetics. Staying true to the linebred program, one of a very few in the nation, has resulted in structurally uniform, sound cattle. Year after year, Eaton Charolais cattle continue to lead the American International Charolais Association in performance and carcass traits.
Since 1965 registered and commercial cattleman have been looking to Eaton Charolais as their source for quality genetics. An annual private treaty bull sale is held each year, with bulls for sale year around. A program built on a strong reputation, 90% of Eaton Charolais bulls are sold sight unseen, over the phone to customers who enjoy strong, repeat customer satisfaction. We also participate in several consignment sales a year offering both bulls and females. Participation in these sales allows us to expose our cattle to potential buyers who may not have the opportunity to come to the ranch. Quantity combined, of course, with quality has enabled Eaton Charolais to sell bulls, females and semen in almost every state in the US. Due to an ever increasing demand for linebred heifers, the family has also started selling replacements by private treaty, to progressive purebred customers.
The main cow herd thrives on the plains of eastern Montana. Mother Nature proves to have the best sorting stick. All Eaton cows must produce in harsh, extreme temperatures and be able to cover their vast, extensive grasslands. They must breed back, be easy keeping and make outstanding mothers. We place a heavy emphasis on building better females, through downsizing the physical size of the cow by utilizing extremely strict selection criteria and simultaneously increasing marbling ability. Cows are the beef factory. We breed for substantial milk.
After viewing Eaton cattle, visitors have seen the evidence of a breeding program with emphasis on correct structure, easy fleshing cattle that are moderately framed, the kind of cattle that will make registered and commercial cattlemen money...a goal Eatons have from the very beginning, determined to be paramount.
ETN Genetics
Leading the Breed
Current #1 Marbling Sire in the Nation
Current #1 Maternal Calving Ease Sire in the Nation
Proven, Trait-Leading, Low Birth Weight Sires